Big Brother Live Feeds Flash Player

  • Swf/html file downloaded will not play video when downloaded from the web

    I received an FLV file in InDesign (CS5). Then I need to export it as a SWF file and download on our Web site.

    When I export as SWF and test it on my desk, the video works fine, but when I download on my site (the file SWF, HTML file and the _Resources folder that was created when exporting), I can't get the html code (or the SWF version) to show the video.

    The initial poster shows but when I click it, it becomes white. When I mouse over I see controls I've specified through skins (the button "play", etc.) so I know it's there - but the bar which usually indicates in the video you're just has this green color thread through it.

    Please help - thanks!

    Could this be something to do with the configuration of your server "secure"? Can you download elsewhere, or try with the prefix https?

  • Windows live mail will not play a sound when new mail arrives

    Windows live mail will not play a sound when the mail comes and will not report in the task bar. I 'play a sound when niew messages come' checked in the options. What could be wrong?


    The question you have posted is related to Windows Live mail and would be better suited to the Windows Live community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will support what ask you:

  • I can not run dinner dash hometown hero. He will be in charge, but will not play. He said that the program has stopped working. How can I fix?

    I can not run dinner dash hometown hero. He will be in charge, but will not play. He said that the program has stopped working. How can I fix?


    Please contact the Microsoft Community and sharing this information with us.

    I'd like you try to perform a system restore to undo changes.

    See the article-


    Perform a system restore will cancel all changes made on the computer before the show. You may also lose unsaved information as well. Proceed at your own risk.

    If this is not enough, then you must contact game support for assistance.

    Do not hesitate to contact us for any problem related to Windows. We will be happy to help you.

  • Some Web pages do not allow (safari cannot connect to the server)

    I can't access some Web pages like the movie online, eBay, Amazon, etc. sites, when I try, I got the note as 'safari cannot connect to the server' and my chrome also got error like massage "this webpage is not available" more my App Store unable to work properly can not download updates»» I tried to delete all the data of the website... and uninstall extensions, but there was not work //I got a MacBook Pro 2014 middle with OS X EL capitan 10.11.2//some on help me please

    Please remove the 'ESET' product (if you have it installed) by following these instructions. If you have a different version of the product, the steps may be different.

    Back up all data before making any changes. Never install any product "anti-virus" or "anti-malware" again.

  • Why audio will not play when to jog through the window of sequence?

    I only noticed this recently, but for some reason, jogging frame-by-frame in the sequence window will not play the audio portions of the project. Is there a way to fix this in Adobe first Pro CC 2015?

    Audio is playing while Scrubbing verified?


  • audioContext will not play until that discharge of the page

    Hi, I'm developing a Web site that uses as the main mechanism audioContext for audio playback.
    While the site works with chrome/safari and opera, I struggle to do audio playback smoothly in firefox on the desktop and android 26. The problem is that the playback features are cooked (and all my logs is perfectly fine), but no audio out. So when I leave the page, the audio suddenly starts to play when I am already in another page. Then after a while the audio would end.
    However, this does not happen every time. It seems that, when the computer is under load, it happens more often. So I suspect a bug in Firefox.
    Unfortunately, under my business rules, I can't give details about the code that I have developed.

    Got my hands full for the past few weeks.
    It turns out that if, instead of putting audioContext to a variable, but put it in an object:
    var holder = {ctx: new AudioContext()};

    Then set holder.ctx = null to window.beforeunload. The problem goes away.

    I've noticed a trend to the error that a freshly started firefox will be able to play the audio very well. Then, after the audio page and connected to the rear, the left. After a disconnect again, the audio suddenly began to play. So I thought that maybe the javascript engine is not properly release its resources when it puts an end to its current instance.

  • Video will not play. No solution in the forums. FF 12.0

    bold text In the last few days I started getting an error everytime I tried to play a video. I would get "year error has occurred, please try again later". I did, but I get the same error on all videos, regardless of the location or subject.

    To fix and solve the problems, I tried to disable Real Player extension - no joy. I tried the Safe Mode - no joy. I UNINSTALLED and REINSTALLED all my Adobe apps with the latest versions (Reader, Air, Shockwave, Player, etc.) - no joy.

    The only changes that took place anywhere near the beginning of this problem are 25 updates of Windows in the past 72 hours approximately. All called 'Security' or ': NET Framework "updates.

    I am running Win 7 HP X 64 on a HP Envy i7 laptop. Unless Youtube has done something to cause this, it must almost be these Windows updates. Any solution? And why can't make you FF compatible with Deng bookmarks and RealPlayer 12.0? All these FF update turn off my favorite modules and and the extensions are NOT welcomed! Cannot work on these issuye before go you on your users? Try to work with these other providers, PRIOR to publication. Bad form!

  • Re: CD will not play error Code 19 on the Satellite L series

    I can't get to run drives and on the study of the material in windows I get the following message: Windows cannot start this hardware device because its information of configuration (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)

    I tried the Vista driver update utility, but he told me that the driver for my CD was the most up-to-date.

    I can't use a spare drive because they will not work.

    Any ideas?

    Try to remove the CD/DVD filters in the registry.
    When the associated CD/DVD (such as iTunes, Nero, virtual CD software), the software is installed, they install filters in the registry, which can cause compatibility problems.

    (1) run Regedit (start-> Run-> Regedit)
    2) navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    (3) in the right pane, delete the "UpperFilters" key and delete the key "LowerFilters".
    (4) restart.

    If your CD/DVD programs stop working, you will need to reinstall them (preferably with an updated version).

    This utility can remove the filters for you:

  • Firefox will not play flash player even if the latest version is installed

    I can't play videos (e.g. on the BBC website) - I continue to be invited to install Flash. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Flash several times but to no avail. The "always enable" is selected in the addons page. Also the old version of shockwave is still showing on the list and I can't remove it.

    Finally solved the problem by seeking NPSWF32DLL and Delete it!

  • IE 9 will not open streaming video in a single Web site. Access to the site and the videos, but they do not play. Help?

    all the other sites with streaming work.  This site works on my other computer running IE8.


    1. what exactly happens when you try to stream any video on this website? You get the error message?
    2 may I know what site is it?

    See the bottom of the articles that might help you.

    Some sites Web may not behave as expected in Internet Explorer
    You can not view, access, or load some Web pages in Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9

  • Video does not play in htdocs, or on the web

    I have both configured the same way in flash 8 video. We play everywhere. The most recent is not anywhere in the folder htdocs (AMP) or on the internet. I compared the post for both parameter and do not oncover the problem. I can provide a link to the two files online as well as join code. Any help would be appreciated.

    See attached code: (that works)
    See attached code: (who doesn't)

    I use includes to make the header and footer elements, but for simplicity, I enclose you a html single file with items together. This is for the one who does not work; However, I think that my challenge can be with edition settings.

    OK your component is looking for the file source Ministry3.flv and not lob.flv
    ensure that you point your component the right file.
    You can do that by selecting the component and then shift to the properties pane, you will find a lot of options in the content field select the file that you want to bind the component, you can also bind directly to a URL.

  • Flash player will not work with any browser on any Web site

    Brand new windows 7 Professional 32-bit laptop

    Flash version

    Impossible to read a video flash on any Web site using IE 9.0.5, firefox or chrome

    I get a black and white square. If I right click, I get a box to watch 'movie not loaded' grayed out and "about adobe flash player"

    I have tried all the suggestions on the site... uninstalled and reinstalled flash player troubleshooting, deleted the cache, disabled hardware acceleration...

    also tried installing previous versions of flash player 9 and 10, same symptoms


    It was my CA INTERNET SECURITY suite software. don't know what parameters prevented loading Flash, but when I uninstalled the whole product, flash works fine. Re-install and try to find the conflicting setting with flash.

  • I get the message: firefox does not when I try to browse the web sites

    For some time now, when I load a web site, it takes a long time to load and then I get the message: firefox does not, or long-running script and does not. This occurs on many web sites, and when that happens, it takes a long time to browse this web site. I also have this problem on other browsers. Any suggestions as to what might help? Thank you.


    Many issues of the site can be caused by corrupted cookies or cache. To try to solve these problems, the first step is to clear cookies and cache.
    Note: This will be you temporarily disconnect all sites, you're connected to.
    To clear the cache and cookies to do the following:

    1. Click the menu button

      , choose historic, then "Claire recent history...". ».

    2. Under "Time range to clear", select "all".
    3. Now, click the arrow next to details to toggle the active details list.
    4. In the list of details, see the Cache and Cookies and uncheck everything.
    5. Now click on the "Clear now" button

    More information can be found in the article remove the navigation, search and download history on Firefox .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

    Thank you.

  • Unable to connect to the Web sites security and microsoft, but internet is not working properly

    Can anyone help?
    Now, this is getting very frustrating.
    I can connect to the internet and browse most Web sites. My email works fine but I can't connect to websites , Norton is 'unable to connect to the Live Update server, check the internet connection' and my media center can't find my internet connection.
    What is going on?
    I have a subscription to Norton who can't find any problems. I also downloaded onecare and trojan remover, returning with a clean report.
    Please help before I go out what remains of my hair.
    What about Frank


    You can access,, Thinking you have a conficker.

    Check with this site

    Alert on the Win32/conficker virus

    Protect yourself from Conficker

    How to remove the worm Downadup Conficker (Uninstall Instructions)

    How to manually remove the Conficker worm

    BDTool to remove


    Run the malicious Microsoft removal tool, scan with Malwarebytes, Prevx to be sure you know all the
    malware involved and if necessary use UnHackMe.

    Start - type in the search box-> find MRT top - right on - click RUN AS ADMIN.

    You should get this tool and its updates via Windows Update - if necessary, you can download it here.

    Download - SAVE - go where go out you there - top - right click RUN AS ADMIN
    (Then run MRT as shown above.)

    Malicious removal tool from Microsoft

    Malwarebytes - a scanner at the request - update on the updates tab and run whenever you think malware.

    Here are some free online scanners to help the

    Other tests free online

    also install Prevx to be sure that it is all gone.

    Prevx - Home - free - small, fast, exceptional CLOUD protection, working with other security programs. It comes
    a scan only, VERY EFFICIENT, if it finds something to come back here or use Google to see how to remove.

    Choice of PCmag editor - Prevx-, 2817,2346862,00.asp


    Also do to the General corruption of cleaning.

    Run DiskCleanup - start - all programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup

    Start - type this in the search box-> find COMMAND at the top and RIGHT CLICK – RUN AS ADMIN

    Enter this at the command prompt - sfc/scannow

    How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program
    generates in Windows Vista cbs.log

    Run checkdisk - schedule it to run at the next startup, then apply OK then restart your way.

    How to run the check disk at startup in Vista


    Run Malwarebytes when you can.

    IE - Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - tab click on restore, and then click Reset - apply / OK

    IE - Tools - Internet Options - Security - reset all Zones by default level - apply / OK

    Close IE

    IE - tools - manage Addons (for sure disable SSV2 if it is there, it is no longer necessary but Java always install
    "(and it causes problems - you never update Java to go back in and turn it off again)." Search for other possible problems.

    Windows Defender - tools - software explore - look for problems with programs that do not look right. Permit
    are usually OK and "unauthorized" are not always bad. If in doubt about a program to ask about it here.

    Could be that a BHO - BHOremover - free - standalone program, needs no installation, download and run - not all
    are bad, but some can cause your question. (Toolbars are BHO)

    Startup programs

    Don't forget to do:

    Logon as administrator

    Start - type in the search box-> COMMAND - find on the list above - CLICK RIGHT - RUN AS ADMIN

    Enter each of these one at a time and press ENTER after each



    nbtstat - RR

    netsh int Reinitialis

    netsh int ip reset

    netsh winsock reset


    Here are a few rootkits if it were a question:

    SpyDLL Remover - free

    Advanced Windows Service Manager

    Run the Rootkit Revealer - free

    UnHackme - trial

    This shows how to use UnHackme and includes a link to version 2.5 – use it as a guideline and current
    available as version above is 5.5

    IceSword - free
    Instructions and pictorial
    Tutorial for use of IceSword

    Revo Uninstaller - free

    I hope this helps.

    Rob - bicycle - Mark Twain said it is good.



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