After Deworming a Month Later by Cat Has Worms Again

Most of our cats tend to get worms at least once throughout their lifetime. Deworming sure can treat those worms, but they each come with their side effects.

Deworming your cat can have side effects like diarrhea, loss of appetite, or increased salivation.

This article will be a guide to what you can expect after deworming your cat.

What To Expect After Deworming A Cat?

Do Cats Feel Ill After Deworming?

Some cats might feel temporarily ill after deworming, but there is nothing to worry about as it is normal.

Do Cats Feel Ill After Deworming?

If your cat contracts severe intestinal parasites, deworming is a must. Because dewormers are harmful compounds, they can have adverse effects.

They usually appear within 24 hours. There are several issues that pet owners should be aware of.

1. Sensitive Stomach

During the deworming procedure, a lot happens in your cat's stomach.

Due to the intensity of the drug and the parasites traveling through their digestive tract, some cats vomit during deworming.

You should seek veterinary help if your cat vomits within an hour of taking the medication.

Vomiting can induce dehydration, which may necessitate your cat's admission to a veterinarian facility for fluids and other treatments.

2. Increased Salivation

Increased salivation in cats following a deworming treatment is a common side effect that lasts typically two to three days, like the others.

If your cat is frothing at the mouth rather than salivating, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Your cat could be suffering from a more dangerous illness, such as rabies.

3. Diarrhea

Cats frequently get diarrhea after receiving deworming drugs. Worms are also commonly found in the feces of cats. You may notice bloody stools.

These signs and symptoms typically only last two to three days.

If the symptoms persist, your veterinarian may prescribe other anti-inflammatory drugs such as metronidazole or prednisone to help manage the inflammation caused by inflammatory bowel disease.

4. Loss/Lack Of Appetite

Deworming drugs are extremely potent. After all, the purpose is to get the parasites out of your cat's system. As a result, it's not uncommon if your cat loses its appetite while the drug is working its way through its system.

This is usually a transitory side effect that only lasts a few days. If your cat's appetite doesn't improve after three to four days, seek assistance from your veterinarian. Your cat may require medicine to get back on track.

Cats can become ill after receiving worming treatments or other medications. If your cat becomes sick soon after worming, the worming therapy is unlikely to have been absorbed into the cat's system.

When your cat's stomach has settled down, you'll need to repeat the worming treatment in a few days.

If your cat becomes ill after being wormed, give them fresh water and keep a watch on them to make sure their condition does not worsen.

If your cat continues to vomit or appears to be in discomfort,  consult your veterinarian. Bring the product packaging to your veterinarian so they can see what you've been using.

Some animals, like us, are drug sensitivities that aren't apparent until they're given the treatment for the first time. If you find that one form of therapy isn't suitable for your cat, various worming solutions can help.

All wormers that you use must be veterinary medicines with a license.

If your cat becomes ill due to using one of the dewormers, don't hesitate to contact your vet for further information, as he can help provide an alternative.

How Long Does Deworming Side Effects Last?

The side effects of deworming could last for about 24 hours to 2 days. If it lasts more than that, then an appointment with the vet is advised.

Dewormer side effects are uncommon, including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and increased salivation. These usually appear within 24 hours of taking the drug, but they are rare!

Consult your veterinarian if you feel your cat is suffering from these adverse effects.

Do Cats Poop Out Worms After Being Dewormed?

Yes, cats do poop out worms after being dewormed. Alive or dead worms could be found In your cat's poop.

Do Cats Poop Out Worms After Being Dewormed?

You may or may not detect worms in your cat's feces in the days following a deworming treatment, depending on the type of worms they have.

Roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms are usually treated by paralyzing and killing the parasites, whereas tapeworms are killed and broken up into smaller segments.

Some intestinal worms, such as hookworms and whipworms, are so tiny that you won't even notice them in your cat's stool.

It's usual to find live worms in your cat's feces after worming them, so don't be alarmed.

While this is a disturbing image, it is also a positive thing because it implies the worms are no longer within your cat!

You may also notice dead worms in your cat's feces for a few days after therapy, or your cat may have diarrhea while the dead worms digest. Regardless of what you notice in their stool, recently wormed cats act normally most of the time.

A few weeks after their initial worming treatment, kittens and other cats may require additional worming treatments.

This is frequently determined by the type of worm and the product utilized. Consult your veterinarian if you have any questions regarding your cat's deworming schedule.

Worms can be treated in a safe, straightforward, and relatively economical manner. After taking an anthelmintic or deworming medicine, the dead and dying roundworms enter into the stool.

Because none of these treatments will kill the worm's juvenile forms or migrating larvae, at least two or three are required. Treatments are usually done every two to three weeks.

Kittens should be dewormed every time they come in for booster vaccines. If your adult cat spends time outside, you may want to use a dewormer regularly.

Females who are nursing their kittens should be treated at the same time as their litter.

Unfortunately, even after your cat has been entirely dewormed, there is still a chance that they can become infected again.

A monthly heartworm prevention treatment that also treats and controls common intestinal worms is the best method to protect your cat from intestinal worms.

These products are safe, effective, and come in a topical solution or pill that is simple to use.

Do Cats Get Diarrhea After Deworming?

Your cat can get diarrhea after deworming, and it is pretty common, as it is a spontaneous response of your cat's stomach.

Cats frequently get diarrhea after receiving deworming drugs. Worms are also commonly found in the feces of cats. You may notice bloody stools.

These signs and symptoms typically only last two to three days.

If the symptoms persist, your veterinarian may prescribe different anti-inflammatory drugs such as metronidazole or prednisone to help manage the inflammation caused by inflammatory bowel disease.

Why Does My Cat Still Have Worms After Deworming?

Your cat might still have worms after deworming as dewormers take 2-4 days to take effect, or sometimes a second dose is also needed.

Why Does My Cat Still Have Worms After Deworming?

The worms will usually be gone in 2 to 3 weeks after you give your cat a dewormer. It may need a second deworming a few weeks later to get rid of all the worms.

Cats are noted for their impeccable hygiene. They can reinfect themselves with parasites as a result of this.

When your cat has parasite eggs in its rectum, it may lick it.

This causes them to reinfect themselves, necessitating the application of a new dewormer.

Most dewormers will be requiring an initial period of only 2-3 weeks to eliminate worms; however, some treatments will also need a double dosage to eradicate the second wave of parasites.

Aside from roundworms and tapeworms- other parasitic worms can pose a more severe threat.

Heartworms, for example, can only be treated with prescription medication. Just like with non-prescription drugs, you should ask your veterinarian if they have any specific recommendations for your pet when selecting prescription dewormers.

How Soon Can I Deworm My Cat Again?

Deworming Schedule


If you've recently acquired a young kitten who has never been wormed, or if you don't know if or when they were last wormed, you should treat them right away.

Then, until they're eight weeks old, you should deworm them every two weeks. After that, you can worm them once a month until they're six months old, then once every one to three months.

Adult Cats

Adult cats should be wormed at least once every three months, or four times a year, once for each season.

Pregnant Cats

These cats should be wormed when the pregnancy is complete and again during nursing with the kittens' first worming treatment.

Check with your veterinarian before deworming to see which products are safe to use on pregnant or nursing cats.

Hunting Cats

Cats who enjoy hunting are much more likely to contract worms by eating infected rodents such as mice. As a result, your veterinarian is expected to recommend worming once a month.

Can I Feed My Cat After Deworming?

Yes, you can surely feed your cat after deworming; make sure that the first initial diet should be less than the usual meal to confirm there are no side effects.

Give your cat only the highest-quality food. Provide the cat only fresh food and store it in the refrigerator or throw away any food that has been left in the cat's bowl for an extended period. Remove all raw river fish from your cat's diet.

Can I Bathe My Cat After Deworming?

Whether you can bathe your cat or not after deworming depends upon the type of dewormer used, whether internal or external.

Bathing your cat will, in theory, be determined by the type of deworming you use and the cat's age.

Bathing the kitten is strictly prohibited if it is the first deworming and you have not yet vaccinated it because you will most likely become ill; you will not be able to do it immediately after the vaccination is placed, for the same reason.

When it comes to an adult cat, you must consider the type of product you are using. There is no problem bathing your cat generally if it is a routine internal deworming performed according to your veterinarian's recommendations.

When It is an external deworming, the procedure changes a bit. Being these products are applied to the skin and coat, the best thing is that if it is necessary to bathe your cat, wait three days for the effects of the dewormer to have penetrated.

The most advisable thing to do would be to wash your cat before applying the dewormer evenly: many of the products recommend improving the effects. Your cat will already be clean and will not need another bath anytime soon.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I deworm my cat myself?

Ans. Yes, you can deworm your cat on your own. Over-the-counter dewormers do not treat all parasites that your cat may have, so you may need to acquire them from your veterinarian. You should be able to give this to your cat without difficulty. It will be a liquid or a tablet that you will provide to your cat orally. Some dewormers, like many flea and tick treatments for cats, can be used topically. It also makes giving it to your cat a lot easier.

Should I clean my whole house after deworming my cat?

Ans. Cleaning the entire house after deworming a cat is highly recommended as this will significantly lower the chances of your cat getting reinfected by the worms.

Is it safe to deworm a cat?

Ans. Keeping aside the side effects, it is safe to deworm a cat, which must be done to ensure its well-being.

Final Words

Deworming your cat is an essential process to keep them safe and happy throughout their lives.

Because your veterinarian is a member of your cat's healthcare team, begin the dialogue now to ensure that your little furball remains pest-free.

For any other questions and queries, feel free to ask us in the comments.




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